A fluorescent lamp crusher is a device that crushes and stores spent fluorescent
lamps prior to higher than those established by the U.S. EPA. However, most
states allow lamp crushing as treatment of either hazardous or universal waste.
19 products Lamp Crushers and Bulb Eaters - Bulb Recycling and . which must be recycled
may be considered Universal Waste While this may reduce storage
Universal Waste - Missouri Department of Natural Resources - MO.gov
Don''t forget that bulb crushers are not allowed in the state of Missouri and every
effort should be made to avoid breaking bulbs. Broken bulbs expose employees,
Light bulb crushers pulverize dead or broken fluorescent bulbs to minimize the
space style bulb crushers currently on the market the mark 2000and it
their own State-specific universal waste regulations. • Some States require that
any facility wanting to crush bulbs must have a TSD permit. • Other States require
Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Universal Waste Disposal FAQ - Air
Under state and federal hazardous waste regulations, controlled crushing (which
is what the Bulb Eater® systems do) is considered treatment. The hazardous
Know Toxics Universal Waste Used Electronics Training Manual
The VA. DEQ requirements on bulb crushing can be found in 9 VAC 20-60-273B.
3. Universal waste lamps may be crushed or intentionally broken on the site of.
Light bulb crushers pulverize dead or broken fluorescent bulbs to minimize the
space style bulb crushers currently on the market the mark 2000and it