Gravel, limestone screening or types of stone used to assist with a variety of
construction and landscaping purposes, and the prime building blocks of any
King Limestone Screenings, 30 Kg | The Home Depot Canada
Use KING Limestone Screenings, 3/16 inch (5 mm) screens which allow for quick
construction of a base. Available Country of Origin: CA-Canada; Type: Sand
Information. Pricelist: Prices 970 Limestone Screenings; Density: 1 ton = 0.83 cu
yd / 1 cu yd = 1.2 ton; Coverage: 0.62 cu yd covers 100 sq ft 2 inch deep
Greely Sand Gravel Inc. sells Clear Limestone and delivers it anywhere in
Ottawa. Go online or call 613-821-3003 to order cubic yard bags or by the
Must be compacted before concrete is poured. Limestone Screenings. 6mm. All
fines less then 6mm. Best used for under patio stones or unistone. Good for
KING Limestone Screenings > KING Home Improvement Products
Create a level base for interlocking brick and patio slabs! Use KING Limestone
Screenings, 3/16 inch (5 mm) screens which allow for quick construction of a
Limestone Screenings can be used for a base under paving stones or as a
walkway. Compacts well and is easy to work with. It is comprised of small
Limestone Screenings. $140.00. Used as a final leveling layer on top of the base
for interlocking patios, driveways and under patio slabs, often known as the
Useful as a deep base. Limestone Screening. Limestone Screenings Perfect for
use under patio stones or as a backfill. Sandfill. Sandfill Useful for sewer